Day: July 21, 2015

  • This is the Real Reason Dominicans and Haitians Fight

    This is the Real Reason Dominicans and Haitians Fight

    It’s no secret that Dominicans and Haitians have had an ongoing conflict for a few hundred years. This conflict is a well-designed problem that was planned many years ago by the people who wanted to keep control. Yet, the issues between the two countries continue to deteriorate, partly because of the lack of recognition from…

  • Does Donald Trump Deserve His Freedom of Speech?

    Does Donald Trump Deserve His Freedom of Speech?

    It’s easy to attack Donald Trump nowadays. He seems to be always putting his foot in his mouth. But is it his right to do so? Should he be allowed to think however he wants to think and say whatever he wants to say? Or if it’s uncomfortable, should we stop him from talking? I…