Day: August 20, 2015

  • Koreans Coming Up in the Rap Game?

    Koreans Coming Up in the Rap Game?

    The state of hip hop in the United States has changed… But in countries like North Korea, it’s just getting started. Check out the music video below. You may not understand it, but they’re sure saying something… Here’s Keith Ape – 잊지마 (It G Ma) (feat. JayAllDay, Loota, Okasian & Kohh) [Official Video]

  • Compton Doesn’t Have Any Movie Theaters, But They Have a Movie? SMH

    Compton Doesn’t Have Any Movie Theaters, But They Have a Movie? SMH

    How crazy is the fact that there’s a movie about Compton, yet, there aren’t any movie theaters in Compton? Basically, you’d have to go Straight Outta Compton — to another city– in order to watch a movie, which ironically is set in the city of Compton. What kind of backwards mess is that? Compton residents are…