Break Out of Your Morning Routine with a Productivity Change-up

Sometimes we fall into routines that do more bad than good – meaning we hit a productivity plateau.  Once you can predict how productive you’ll be during the day, then it’s time to change your routine.  You should always strive to grow, and any routine could get in the way of that growth.

Here are some ways to break out of your routine.

Wake up Earlier/Later – Waking up earlier not only gives you extra time to be productive, but it will also change your routine a bit. Maybe it’s the opposite and you should sleep a few more minutes just to throw your routine for a loop.  This latter one is of course for people who already have an early routine.

Take a Shower or Don’t – I’m not suggesting you walk around dirty all day, but altering your morning shower routine will alter your routine in general.  If you usually take a shower when waking up, then postpone it to later in the day, and if you don’t shower, then make it the first thing you do. These changes don’t have to be permanent, just long enough to have an impact on your routine.

Read the News or Don’t – Maybe you wake up and want to find out what happened around the world while you slept (this includes Facebook and social media in general). If you usually log into your computer or turn the TV on or pick up the newspaper (if anyone still does that) then do something different. Start your day instead by cleaning your space, or by cooking breakfast.

Don’t Check Email – Resist the temptation to check your email every two seconds, especially when you first wake up. Instead focus on other things you may need to get done.  Checking email leads you to sometimes being derailed from whatever task is at hand.

Go for a Walk – Going for a walk when you first wake up could give you a boost of energy. Even if it’s cold, grab a sweater and go for a stroll around the block. You’ll be surprised how much clearer your mind will be when you get back.

Read About Successful People’s Routines – Read about people you admire and mimic their routines. Do what they do for a few days and see what happens in your own life.

Basically you just need to find ways to alter your current routine. This will help you combat procrastination and will keep you focused on the important things, and not the things where you find comfort.  Get out of your own routine comfort zone. You can start right this second by doing something unpredictable.  You get this done by doing the opposite of what you have planned to do.  Give yourself permission to break your routine. You’ll be okay.
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