Category: COMEDY
Iggy Azalea owned by SNL Comedy Sketch [VIDEO]
I thought this Iggy Azalea SNL sketch had its funny parts. I thought the T.I. part could have been a bit funnier or should of had more substance. But overall the Iggy raps are on point. Check it out:
Jimmy Fallon Went to Bayside High with “Saved By The Bell” Cast
Gotta give it up to Jimmy Fallon for this one. Too funny (if you’re of that 1980’s era). Jimmy Fallon Saved By The Bell…
Im in love with the Chocos (Choco Krispis) MUSIC VIDEO
Bill Cosby Mixed Drink Recipe
It’s not secret that Bill Cosby knows how to make a powerful drink. That’s why his recipes are perfect for parties and family gatherings.
Hilarious Animated Series: Ceasar & Chuy
There aren’t that many opportunities for Latinos and Black people to showcase our artwork. Especially in Television – the industry is quite hesitant to give anybody new some room to express themselves artistically and play at the same level of a Family Guy or South Park. Yet, we get it done anyway… Here’s a clip…
Hilarious Webseries: To the Beat & the Rhythm [VIDEO]
This has been one of my favorite episodes to produce of the series “To the Beat & the Rhythm”… starring Felipe Olguin, Richie Alexander, Chuck Warmoth and myself as “Free Lunch”. The series is based on a group of artists trying to make music. The plot unfold as these guys can’t get their personal lives…
Nail Salon Animated Cartoon – Animated Stand Up Comedy [VIDEO]
Anjelah Johnson gets down in this animated version of the “Nail Salon” joke. These ladies know how to hustle for their money!
Driving without car insurance cartoon!!! Hilarious!! [VIDEO]
Latinos Working at a Fast Food Restaurant… [VIDEO]
Felipe Esparza “Taco Tuesday” Song
I like the hook on this… LOL
Un Pene Que Habla? – Talking Penis has a Bad Attitude
There’s no words for this one… LMAO