Category: COMEDY
Maquillisto “El Dios Del Maquillaje”
Debunking Stereotypes: Dominicans Wear Socks?
Raq-C makes sure her vag is fab before a bikini photoshoot.
It’s very important to shave your vagina before a photoshoot…
Stand Up Comedy Advice: Aida Rodriguez
The Crazy Whisperer Show with Mike Muratore
EVERYWHERE – Checking out San Salvador with Raquel Cordova (RAQ-C)
Why is Marc Anthony on the cover of Men’s Fitness?
To the Beat & the Rhythm EPISODE 1″The Towel”
I hate wearing my girlfriend’s deodorant
This is why I hate wearing my girfriend’s deodorant…
Dame La Mano Paloma [Canción ]
El vídeo musical de la canción popular “Dame La Mano Paloma”.
Best Costumes – “Ghetto Ninja”
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