Las mejores aguas frescas de Los Angeles?
Estaba pasando por downtown Los Ángeles y siempre tengo que parar por puestesitos de tacos ambulantes. Aquí me encontré con sabores de aguas frescas que nunca había probado. Como la de Pera y Cranberry y la de Granada, entre otras. Súper ricas.
Pimp my Shopping Cart
Ran into this homeless guy Downtown Los Angeles, and he had his shopping cart decked out from top to bottom. Never seen such ingenious engineering using nothing but scrap from the garbage. The man’s a genius!
Chatting about Immigration with La Santa Cecilia
I had the pleasure to talk a little bit with Grammy-award winning musical group “La Santa Cecilia” about immigration equality and immigrant children being held as political prisoners in the US border.
Tupac is alive!!! Here’s the proof! Interview with Felix Watson
I interviewed Felix Watkins, who is a Freelance Journalist who wrote a revealing article about Tupac being alive. You can read the full article here: Here’s the interview:
Stand Up Comedy Advice: Aida Rodriguez
Stand Up Comedy Advice from Aida Rodriguez
Is this the best BBQ in Los Angeles? Hambone’s BBQ
How to Become Better – Jim Mendrinos Interview
The Art of the TV Pitch – Interview with Maria Perez-Brown
How to be a Comedian – Ruperto Vanderpool
Jovanny Venegas Entrevistado Por Dulce D’Leché
Aquí esta Jovanny Venegas Entrevistado Por Dulce D’Leché – no se pueden perder esta atrevida entrevista…
How to write short and precise comic strip style – Interview with writer Harold Jessurun [VIDEO]
In this video writer Harold Jessurun talks about writing his book “Los Chistes de Pepito” and how to write short, precise and to the point. This is all very difficult, especially when you have to convey a large idea or concept into a few words and images. Check out the interview: [youtube] Follow me…