Category: Multivision
EVERYWHERE – Checking out San Salvador with Raquel Cordova (RAQ-C)
Why is Marc Anthony on the cover of Men’s Fitness?
To the Beat & the Rhythm EPISODE 1″The Towel”
I hate wearing my girlfriend’s deodorant
This is why I hate wearing my girfriend’s deodorant…
Dame La Mano Paloma [Canción ]
El vídeo musical de la canción popular “Dame La Mano Paloma”.
El Problema Con Facebook
UFO Conspiracy? illegal alien alien sighting [VIDEO]
Amigos Que Se Odian
Insultos Boricuas [VIDEO]
Como hacer a una mujer feliz
Donde Estas Amor? Episodio #1
RECAP – The Latino Daily Show Meets Tosh.0
SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH THE SHOW A few years back I had an idea to give Jon Stewart a run for his money. I felt (and still feel) that the Latino political space has not be filled with any comedic undertones. The Daily Show is a highly successful show, not unlike its offspring, the Colbert…