Category / old

Joan Sebastian R.I.P. – Muere el Rey del Jaripeo pero vive su Musica

If you don’t know who Joan Sebastian is… get familiar. This is how Wikipedia describes the actor/singer: Joan Sebastian was a popular Mexican multi Grammy award winning singer and songwriter.[2][3] He has composed hundreds of songs and been a regular staple on the top-40 charts in Mexico since his career...CONTINUE READING

Kobe Finally Gets Coach Mike Brown Fired From Los Angeles Lakers

Kobe does what he wants when he wants (women included). Bryant’s latest diva-donna stunt was getting coach Mike Brown fired as LA Lakers head coach. Also, if Howard doesn’t start playing the way God (also known as Kobe) wants him too, he might be on his way out too. That’s...CONTINUE READING
Category:old, Personal View

Kids Shouldn’t Live in Pain – Including Immigrant Kids

Is it the kid’s fault that he or she is not here legally?  A lot of these kids were newborns when they arrived, and whether legally or not, it is not their fault that they’re here.  Still, what happens when parents can’t afford healthcare?  Do these kids have to live...CONTINUE READING
Category:old, Personal View
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