Category: ARTICLES
How to Stop Procrastination [VIDEO]
If you find yourself procrastinating, it is probably because you’re trying to accomplish too many things at once. Your mind is cluttered with too many plans, and your goals, deadlines and expectations are not realistic. Minimize and focus on one thing, and watch your motivation level come up. Here’s a tip:
What is the meaning of life? [VIDEO]
Does anyone really know the meaning of life? This is what I think:
Como Alcanzar la Motivación en tu Vida [VIDEO]
A veces no sabes en que dirección ir con tu vida. Tienes muchos planes, pero algo te para de llevarlos a cabo. Aquí les comparto brevemente como se puede alcanzar la motivación en la vida.
7 Pillars of the Matrix: Modern Day Slavery [VIDEO]
You don’t have to be forced to be a slave. Nowadays most people are willing to be a slave to society’s system. Make sure you know why you do what you do. Check it out:
The Ebola Scare: News Drama, Panic and Fear for Entertainment [VIDEO]
The news like to hype things up to keep people watching. It’s like a bad accident that never stops happening. Can’t believe the hype all the time. If it’s not Ebola, then something else is bound to get you. Keep living now, don’t worry about later. I’m not saying Ebola is not real, but that…
Education is for Dummies. Here’s why you should drop out of school. [VIDEO]
Education is absolute bullshit. I’m not talking about knowledge, or information, or learning or growing and expanding your mind. I’m talking about the education industry being absolute, complete bullshit. Here’s I go:
Sevyn Streeter can sing her ass off [VIDEO]
I believe Sevyn Streeter is one of the most slept on artists in the business right now. The radio has definitively not given Sevyn her just due. At least on the West Coast she’s not on rotation. Radio stations wise up!! Here’s Sevyn performing her song “It Won’t Stop” unplugged:
T-Pain Singing without Auto-tune. Not bad. [VIDEO]
T-Pain surprised me the way he can actually keep a tune. He’s no Whitney Houston, but he’s definitively not bad and quite unique. Check it out:
How to get Razor Sharp Focus
Getting razor sharp focus is easy, if you simply minify what you’re focusing on. Trying to focus on too many things will lead you astray of your goal. There’s no amount of self-discipline that will help you focus if you’re splitting your attention in too many directions. The key to a flawless and consistent focus…
Ebola can be transmitted through Breathing
Studies have shown that Ebola can be transmitted through breathing-in the virus (airborne). This particular study, for example, showed how monkeys contracted the Ebola virus from pigs that were in separate cages, with no possible physical contact. It’s understandable, however, why the CDC is assuring the public that Ebola cannot be contracted through the air.…
Rapero le ruega a Farruko que lo ayude en su carrera
El rapero Free Lunch le ruega a Farruko que lo ayude en su carrera. Free Lunch no lo deja ni lavarse las manos al pobre Farruko.
Farruko hablando sobre la situación social en Puerto Rico
Tuve el placer de entrevistar a Farruko, quien es unos de los artistas musicales mas populares en Puerto Rico y ahora agarrando fuerza tambien en Estados Unidos y Latinoamerica. Hablamos en detalle de la situacion social, politica y economica que se esta pasando presentemente en Puerto Rico.