Category: ARTICLES
Meek Mill Drake Diss PART 2 Leaked!!! This is the one Wanna Know PART 2
Meek Mill Drake Diss PART 2 Leaked!!! This is the one Wanna Know PART 2 Meek Mill Finally responds to Drake!!! Got Em!!! MEEK MILL Finally Responds to DRAKE on this track!!! Posted by KEU REYES on Thursday, July 30, 2015
This is why Donald Trump would be the Perfect President… [VIDEO]
If Donald Trump becomes president, he will change a lot of things in the United States. Here’s Billy The White Guy talking about the reasons why Donald Trump should be president of the free world.
This is the Real Reason Dominicans and Haitians Fight
It’s no secret that Dominicans and Haitians have had an ongoing conflict for a few hundred years. This conflict is a well-designed problem that was planned many years ago by the people who wanted to keep control. Yet, the issues between the two countries continue to deteriorate, partly because of the lack of recognition from…
Does Donald Trump Deserve His Freedom of Speech?
It’s easy to attack Donald Trump nowadays. He seems to be always putting his foot in his mouth. But is it his right to do so? Should he be allowed to think however he wants to think and say whatever he wants to say? Or if it’s uncomfortable, should we stop him from talking? I…
The Dominican vs. Haitian Conflict [PODCAST]
Dominican and Haitians have an extremely long history of conflict. Hispaniola is a small island where both the Dominican Republic and Haiti have divided it upon themselves. Yet, there’s a lot of atrocities that have happened throughout history that shapes this ongoing conflict. The animosity between the two countries is nothing new. We talk about…
If you want to write for Television…
If you want to write for television, there are many programs out there that will help you get your foot in the door. One program in particular is the NHMC Writer’s Program. I’ve been a part of this program and I can attest that you will definitely learn a thing or two about writing, but,…
Leave Donald Trump Alone! (here’s why)
Donald Trump currently is a candidate for the US Presidency. He has also been untactfully spewing stereotypes regarding Latinos – Mexicans to be specific. Yet, even though whatever he may be saying is outrageous, should he be censored? Should people make him shut up because they don’t agree with him? Or do we supposedly live…
Joan Sebastian R.I.P. – Muere el Rey del Jaripeo pero vive su Musica
If you don’t know who Joan Sebastian is… get familiar. This is how Wikipedia describes the actor/singer: Joan Sebastian was a popular Mexican multi Grammy award winning singer and songwriter.[2][3] He has composed hundreds of songs and been a regular staple on the top-40 charts in Mexico since his career began in 1977. His music…
Who is Alex Nogales and the NHMC?
A lot of people in the general mainstream may not know the name Alex Nogales – yet, if you’re a Latino working in Hollywood – you’ve at least heard his name. Alex Nogales’ organization is the National Hispanic Media Coalition, which is a media advocacy and civil rights organization for the advancement of Latinos, working…
Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare – iTHINK
iTHINK is a show about what I think. Here are some of the topics I cover in this episode: Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare.
The Dominican vs. Hatian conflict is deeper than you think
People in the world either don’t understand or care that Haiti is disputably the poorest country in the world. The Dominican Republic may not be as bad, but it is still considered a third world country. But ask yourself, why would these small countries, so close to the continental United States, go through so much…
Who’s the Sexiest Spanish WeatherGirl?
Who’s the sexiest Spanish TV WeatherGirl? That is the million-dollar question! Sexy girls doing the weather on TV news programs are nothing new. It’s an idea that was probably conceived right along with the invention of television, because there’s nothing more interesting than having a good-looking woman doing or saying things on the small screen.…