Category: Writing

  • If you want to write for Television…

    If you want to write for Television…

    If you want to write for television, there are many programs out there that will help you get your foot in the door. One program in particular is the NHMC Writer’s Program. I’ve been a part of this program and I can attest that you will definitely learn a thing or two about writing, but,…

  • Animated Racism – Double Standards in Television Networks

    Who’s allowed to make fun of you? That’s what it comes down to in television political correctness. This post isn’t to debate the rights and wrongs of racism, but instead I’d like to point out the double-standards of the acceptability of racism in television. I personally think that the right amount of racism at the…


    I always try to exaggerate stereotypes when I write my characters. The exaggeration brings about a conversation that would be otherwise taboo without the ridicule of pointing out the obvious. The following video shows a “stereotype” of cops – the only problem is that this is real life – and they’re not fictional characters. This…

  • Creating an Animated TV Show Pilot [VIDEO]

    What does it take to make an animated TV show a reality? If you want to do so, you need to understand that animation is difficult. Actually, let me rephrase… animation is difficult AND tedious. But it’s not impossible, obviously. I worked with the super talented Alfonso Amey on our “In Control“ animated pilot for…

  • How to write short and precise comic strip style – Interview with writer Harold Jessurun [VIDEO]

    In this video writer Harold Jessurun talks about writing his book “Los Chistes de Pepito” and how to write short, precise and to the point. This is all very difficult, especially when you have to convey a large idea or concept into a few words and images. Check out the interview: [youtube] Follow me…

  • Write First, Edit Later

    A lot of people start writing by editing, and this is the biggest mistake you can commit when you’re actually trying to finish something.  You can’t edit something that has not been written yet!  So you have to WRITE FIRST! Write whatever comes to mind, don’t worry about what it is that you’re trying to…