
HOW TO PITCH A TV SHOW – Part 1 – Understand How TV Networks Work

tv networksUnderstanding the true PURPOSE of TV networks will ensure that you maximize your chances to successfully pitch your TV show idea.

Television was invented many years ago and it has undergone much evolution since it’s introduction to the world. The technical aspects of this great invention are irrelevant, however, for what matters in relation to pitching a TV show idea is your understanding of the PURPOSE that television has in today’s society.

A television set doesn’t work on it’s own. It needs CONTENT. This content is managed and distributed through television networks. A TELEVISION NETWORK is the organized system of personnel that uses creative and technological tools to create, develop, produce and distribute content in order to attract an AUDIENCE.

One of the most important parts that you need to understand about television networks is its audience. The audience is what makes or break a network. Everyone working at a network usually has a direction about what is the network’s target audience; and the audience usually patronizes a network that provides them with content which they find relevant.

If you plan to have any success when pitching a TV show you MUST understand what is the composition of the network’s audience. It will be difficult to sell a fictional crime show to the Food Network or a robot-fighting show to Animal Planet. I’m not saying it would be impossible, but I am saying it would be extremely difficult. So knowing your TV network’s audience will ensure you don’t waste the network’s time or your time.

Another important factor that you MUST understand is that a television network’s purpose is to SELL ADVERTISING. Companies that buy AIR TIME on TV network’s are looking to reach that network’s audience. Advertisers are a TV Network’s main source of revenue, and they’re the one’s who will ADVERTISE A PRODUCT either through commercials or product placement or integration.

So where does your show fit into place? Simple: Your show attracts the audience that advertisers want, therefore your show becomes the tool that TV Networks NEED in order to succeed.Understand your show’s potential audience and target your idea towards the networks that cater to that audience. Within all of this, make sure you keep in mind that the main goal of your show is to SELL ADVERTISING.


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