
Jamba Juice App Sucks

The Jamba Juice app sucks. That, combined with their awful customer service and you have a recipe for disaster.

I ordered a 21oz orange juice through their app. I was very trusting, since the Starbucks app works great. Well, when I got to the store, I was told they didn’t received the order. I showed them my order on my app. It was paid for and it showed it went through with no problems.

The employees at the Burbank, CA location (Empire Center) where I went (which seemed to not want to be working to begin with) told me there was nothing they could do. When I asked about a refund they told me they could not give me a refund neither. That I would need to call customer service. Unbelievable!

I usually don’t patronize Jamba Juice because I think they’re overpriced. Their quality is probably the only thing keeping them in business.

So based on my experience with the Jamba Juice app… save yourself some trouble and just order the juice when you get there. Their employees can’t help you if something goes wrong.

Now the Starbucks app… that’s a different story. It works great. You can download that one HERE.

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