Obama Won Debate with Education and Health Care Homerun

Barack Obama won the final presidential debate hands down.

Barack Obama, praised by John McCain as “eloquent”, may have just eloquently taken the “Straight Talk Express” out of commission due the high gas prices and clogged pipelines which “Joe The Plumber” failed to maintain.

John McCain, feelings hurt from political attacks throughout the campaign trail, begged Obama to make his “boo-boo” go away.  “Kiss it and make it better,” begged McCain, when in fact, Obama has been attacked at least ten times worse, and repeatedly, and not only regarding his policies and ideology, but attacks of a personal nature.

Obama really “took it to McCain” when he explained that the penalties for not having health coverage are Zero.  John McCain could hardly believe it.  I’m not sure if he was being sarcastic, or if he was actually impressed with the revelation.

The fact of the matter is that McCain, fundamentally has no way to beat Obama.  One of the only issues that is a black and white issue, no pun intended, is that of Pro Life or Pro Choice.  There is a moral difference that cannot be compromised, and even that could be split with tolerance.

The other issue is the Iraq war.  Either you want it to end, or you don’t.  Simple as that.

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