Why You Need Earmuffs and Earplugs to Block Out Sound

Many of us like to live in the city for various reasons. One, compared to the rural areas, there are more opportunities for jobs and education. EVen though there is also work available in smaller cities, nothing compared to the skyscrapers of the concrete jungle. It is also a well-known...CONTINUE READING

Congestive Heart Success – Alternative Thinking to Congestive Heart Failure

This video is about Congestive Heart Success. You're obviously not dead if you're reading this. I say that's a pretty big deal, and it's great news.CONTINUE READING

Is there room for a better, new form of government?

Democracy is actually an extremely outdated form of government, if you analize it closely, it was formed somewhere around the year 508 or 507 BC. It has been over 2500 years since that type of government was introduced, and it was meant to be a way to rule, for the...CONTINUE READING

Visiting the San Francisco Mission – Pupusas – Atole – Taqueria El Farolito – Grand Coffee

Got in this Southwest airlines plane and headed out to San Francisco, California – theĀ “Paris of the West.” Full of trend setters, culture, and some of the most amazing food anywhere. There are so many places to go in San Francisco, but in this occasion I decided to visit the...CONTINUE READING
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