How To Pitch a TV Show (Things NOT to do) – Interview with Rene Aguirre

This is an interview with Rene Aguirre (Twitter: @MrReneAguirre) who has been in the TV industry for many years in a variety of positions (Presently with Arsonhouse Entertainment ) In this video we discuss some of his professional trajectory as well as some do’s and don’ts when pitch TV...CONTINUE READING

Who Killed Craig Mack?

May Craig Mack rest in peace. Yet, there’s this weird feeling I have that something is up with his passing. Yeah, perhaps it was just heart failure, health issues, etc. But the feeling that there’s more to the story remains with me. Here’s my take on the Craig Mack situation:
oscars so white

Is the #OscarsSoWhite movement really effective?

#OscarsSoWhite is a movement to create awareness and demand inclusion of minorities in the Oscars nominations and awards given. Yet, asking to be included doesn’t mean anything if the institution that you’re asking is founded in the basis of exclusion in the first place. In the following video I speak...CONTINUE READING

Giselle Fernandez Interview – The Keu Reyes Project – Artistic Warfare Podcast

My interview with my mentor and inspiration Giselle Fernandez. Not only is she a five-time Emmy award-winning journalist, producer, filmmaker and Latin media marketing entrepreneur, but she is also a philanthropist and a selfless giver to to all of society. A true champion of rights and equality, and with all...CONTINUE READING
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