Sarah Palin gives bailout credit to McCain (VIDEO)

In a poorly written statement and an even worse delivery to the press, Sarah Palin claimed that John McCain deserves the credit for making the bailout deal happen.  This delusional state of the John McCain campaign assuming that people actually buy anything they say is hurting them more than ever before.

Sarah Palin’s real persona, of a hard-working lucky lady that has overachieved in her career based on most reasonable people’s expectations, has finally risen out of the burried chest the McCain campaign has attempted to keep closed.

With Tina Fey’s approval rating rising and Palin’s plummeting, it is no question who the American People would rather see as vice president: Miley Cyrus.

You can read Sarah’s transcript of how she really feels McCain did here.

Hopefully this bailout does not backfire, and then the John McCain campaign will say they never supported the thing.

Here’s the video:
