Sarah Palin Makes US Look Idiotic in Prank Phone Call (Audio)

Sarah Palin gets pranked by Canadians.

“Hustler’s Nailin’ Paylin?”  I couldn’t stop laughing when I heard that project was in the works, attempting to use Sarah Palin’s popularity to sell pornography.  But I think I laughed harder when I heard Sarah Palin actually thanking someone who complemented her on that “documentary”.

It shouldn’t matter if it was the President of the World,  that comment was inappropriate, and something should have been said regarding it.  This prank phone call shows Sarah Palin’s true colors.  Which are the same colors that her handlers tell her to wear.  She has no clue about any issue, whether domestic nor foreign, and she just rambles on and wings it until whatever is happening ends.

If Sarah Palin really believed in “Country First” she would have turned down the Vice-Presidential nomination and suggested that McCain select someone with more experience.  This would not have hurt the country at all, and she still could have ended up in some cabinet post where she wouldn’t put the nation at risk of looking like idiots.

Sarah Palin is the new Dan Quayle.

Here is the prank phone call:


Here’s also a transcript and breakdown of the call.

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