Sarah Palin: McCain’s Beautiful Mistake

Hockey-mom, pitbull with lipstick, Saracuda.  What else can you say about one of the most beautiful faces in politics today?  A powerful woman, dominating.  Every man’s fantasy.  Every man, except Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Sarah’s bimbo-type of stupidity could be considered a turn-on by most men.  I mean, who knows what could happen after Sarah has a couple of shots of Permafrost Vodka?  Her glasses.  Oh, those stylish, yet old-fashioned bifocals become the focus of her face.  Those glasses take on a personality of their own.  Knowing her most intimate secrets.  Being the closest thing to her brain, they make her look smarter.

Sarah’s high-pitch voice might have the power to make most men fall into an unpredited bad mood for no reason.  Maybe Sarah’s voice reminds men of a nagging wife asking to for the lawn to be mowed, the house to be painted, and that door to be fixed.  Or an ex-girlfriend’s voice begging to be told she’s loved.

Nevertheless, Sarah’s engulfed in cold Alaskan demeanor.  Alaska.  A state that must import their strippers and prostitutes from the mainland to meet demand.  The great beautiful Sarah Palin from the cold great Alaskan frontier.

Sarah doesn’t have to answer the questions that the media wants to hear.  Instead she wants to ask the questions that make no sense to the rambling answers that she gave in the first place.  She’s a maverick.  A maverick pitbull with lipstick hockey-mom betcha by golly wow joe sixpack.  Oh yeah.  Joe sixpack.  Joe sixpack doesn’t  even know he’s joe sixpack.  She’s talking to an audience that most likely does not watch television.  At least the type of TV that doesn’t involve balls (sports) or nudity (porn), and in some cases both (more porn).

Is it really a surprise that Tina Fey is beating Sarah Palin in the polls?  Yes it is.  But who would vote for Sarah Palin in the first place, Alaska?  Can the cold have a lasting effect on the brain?

Sarah Palin looks like the type that would file sexual harassment charges for smiling at her.  But maybe not.  Maybe she’d smile back.  It’s nothing personal, it’s that I wish she was honest.

If she came out and said.. “You know what? I don’t know what the hell am I doing.”  I think most people would understand.  And like her.  And leave her alone.  But it is her overconfidence that is madding.

One thing.  She is beautiful.  Todd Palin is a very lucky man.  Unfortunately beauty and a keen ability to wingit, does not qualify her to run this country.