Tag: ceasar and chuy
Hilarious Animated Series: Ceasar & Chuy
There aren’t that many opportunities for Latinos and Black people to showcase our artwork. Especially in Television – the industry is quite hesitant to give anybody new some room to express themselves artistically and play at the same level of a Family Guy or South Park. Yet, we get it done anyway… Here’s a clip…
Oprah Gives Ceasar & Chuy Reparations for Slavery
Finally FULL EPISODES of LATINO 101 are online… For Free!! Click here to LAUGH!!!
You can find full episodes online for one of my TV shows, Latino 101 for free. Check it out and enjoy: LATINO 101 You can also find full episodes of another one of my shows, Ceasar and Chuy, on Mun2: CEASAR Y CHUY Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @qreyes and like me on…
Creating an Animated TV Show Pilot [VIDEO]
What does it take to make an animated TV show a reality? If you want to do so, you need to understand that animation is difficult. Actually, let me rephrase… animation is difficult AND tedious. But it’s not impossible, obviously. I worked with the super talented Alfonso Amey on our “In Control“ animated pilot for…