Tag: comedia
Donald Trump, Deez Nuts EN RESUMEN con Anais Salazar [ESPAÑOL]
Anais Salazar toca el tema de Donald Trump, entrevista a el Dr. Ysamur Flores de Otis College, y por supuesto, una entrevista super exclusiva con nada mas y nada menos que el candidato presidencial Deez Nuts.
Asi AMAMOS Los Boricuas [VIDEO]
The truth is that if you don’t speak Spanish, you won’t understand this video at all. Further, if you’re not Boricua (aka Puertorican) you most likely won’t understand this video neither. Here is another installment of the “Asi Hablamos Los Boricuas” video by the talented Brenda Lamberty Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/qreyes and Facebook: http://facebook.com/keureyes
Amigos Que Se Odian
Insultos Boricuas [VIDEO]
Como hacer a una mujer feliz
La peor cita por Skype de todos los tiempos
Lo Que Hacen Los Hombres Solos
Horóscopo Realista
Cuando un hombre no se quiere ir de tu casa [VIDEO]
Multivision Network in Full Force – Soon to Launch
The soon-to-launch Multivision Network is gaining steam, as people are stumbling into hilarious comedy, fashion, music and much more on the platform. Make sure you check out www.multivisionnetwork.com
Chistasos – Guillermo Alvarez Guedes (SPANISH)
Here’s an animated video of one of my idols growing up. I used to hide and listen to Alvarez Guedes (because he was considered “raunchy” and kids usually weren’t allowed to listen to his tapes). I think he’s still around somewhere. It would be a dream come true if I ever get to meet this…