Tag: Donald Trump
Latinos are Racist
Have you ever seen a Black Latino on TV? If you have, then you probably remember it vividly because that is quite the rare event. Black Latinos in Spanish are called “Negros” [Nae-gros]– which is the literal English translation for “Blacks”. It’s not uncommon to hear the reference to Negros in Spanish, which sometimes, may…
Playing the “Is it Gay?” Game, Plus is Trump a Mad Genius or just Mad?
In this episode we play the “Is it Gay?” game with Andy and Isabelle, plus we discuss some of Trump’s crazy rhetoric. Could Donald Trump be a Mad Genius or just Mad? Listen to the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Playing-the-_Is-it-Gay_-Game-plus-Donald-Trump-Mad-Genius-or-Just-Mad_.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download |…
El Chapo Gets Caught, Trump Talks, Is it Gay? Game – The Keu Reyes Project Podcast – Jan 8, 2016
El Chapo Gets Caught, Trump Talks, Is it Gay? Game – The Keu Reyes Project Podcast – Jan 8, 2016 Listen Below and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/El-Chapo-Escapes-Trump-Politics-Is-it-Gay_-Game-Keu-Reyes-Project-Jun-8-2016.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio | Youtube Music | RSS
Donald Trump, Deez Nuts EN RESUMEN con Anais Salazar [ESPAÑOL]
Anais Salazar toca el tema de Donald Trump, entrevista a el Dr. Ysamur Flores de Otis College, y por supuesto, una entrevista super exclusiva con nada mas y nada menos que el candidato presidencial Deez Nuts.
Jeb Bush Subliminal “Black Hand” Message?
This campaign mailer that was sent out to thousands of people in Iowa features Jeb Bush with a photoshopped “Black Hand.” The arm is clearly photoshopped, but Bush’s campaign claims that it’s a “shadow.” However, most people with half-of-a-brain can clearly see that the arm is completely different than the rest of the body –…
This is why Donald Trump would be the Perfect President… [VIDEO]
If Donald Trump becomes president, he will change a lot of things in the United States. Here’s Billy The White Guy talking about the reasons why Donald Trump should be president of the free world.
Does Donald Trump Deserve His Freedom of Speech?
It’s easy to attack Donald Trump nowadays. He seems to be always putting his foot in his mouth. But is it his right to do so? Should he be allowed to think however he wants to think and say whatever he wants to say? Or if it’s uncomfortable, should we stop him from talking? I…
Leave Donald Trump Alone! (here’s why)
Donald Trump currently is a candidate for the US Presidency. He has also been untactfully spewing stereotypes regarding Latinos – Mexicans to be specific. Yet, even though whatever he may be saying is outrageous, should he be censored? Should people make him shut up because they don’t agree with him? Or do we supposedly live…
Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare – iTHINK
iTHINK is a show about what I think. Here are some of the topics I cover in this episode: Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare.