Tag: ebola airborne

  • The Ebola Scare: News Drama, Panic and Fear for Entertainment  [VIDEO]

    The Ebola Scare: News Drama, Panic and Fear for Entertainment [VIDEO]

    The news like to hype things up to keep people watching. It’s like a bad accident that never stops happening. Can’t believe the hype all the time. If it’s not Ebola, then something else is bound to get you. Keep living now, don’t worry about later. I’m not saying Ebola is not real, but that…

  • Ebola can be transmitted through Breathing

    Ebola can be transmitted through Breathing

    Studies have shown that Ebola can be transmitted through breathing-in the virus (airborne). This particular study, for example, showed how monkeys contracted the Ebola virus from pigs that were in separate cages, with no possible physical contact. It’s understandable, however, why the CDC is assuring the public that Ebola cannot be contracted through the air.…