Tag: gangster rap

  • Did You Know the Writers of the Straight Outta Compton Movie Are White?

    Did You Know the Writers of the Straight Outta Compton Movie Are White?

    Did you know that the Straight Outta Compton writers are White? Well, they are. Does it matter? Who knows! But it sure raises a lot of questions about who gets what opportunities in Hollywood. It’s already bad enough that the group N.W.A. is surrounded by conspiracy regarding its creation. But what I personally don’t understand…

  • The State of Hip Hop – Is REAL Hip Hop Dead?

    The State of Hip Hop – Is REAL Hip Hop Dead?

    Hip Hop has changed throughout time. It has evolved past what it used to be. Hip Hop was called a “Fad”. Something that wasn’t supposed to still be here. Yet, here it is. Now it’s everywhere. Suburban kids love it, and TV shows and film use it to enhance their work creatively. However, REAL Hip…