Tag / hillary clinton
danney willaiam bill clinton son and mother

Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has...CONTINUE READING

10 Minutes of Hillary Clinton Unable to Stop Shaking Head

During a recent Bernie Sanders speech at one of her rallies, Hillary Clinton is unable to stop shaking her head. At first glance, it looks like she’s shaking her head in agreement with Sanders, but after a few minutes of the same awkward head-shake movement, it becomes obvious that this shaking...CONTINUE READING

The similarities between Bill Clinton & Bill Cosby’s Rape Allegations

It is more than obvious that there are some real similarities between Bill Clinton & Bill Cosby’s rape allegations. The question is, why is one of them pursued and demonized more than the other? Wouldn’t the fair thing be that either they both face the consequential music or they both don’t?...CONTINUE READING
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