Tag: jail
Proof that N.W.A. created by the Government and the Prison Industry?
Here we go with the conspiracy theories, but with the new Straight Outta Compton movie’s success, it’s not a bad thing to re-open some of the old rumors and see how valid they may or may not be. A question has been raised of “Why are the Straight Outta Compton Writers White?” – but looking…
Innocent Man Sent to Prison for 42 YEARS!!!! Very Sad. [VIDEO]
Innocent Man in Prison for 41 Years [Heartbreaking Video]
I’m against all forms of injustice, and as a country we need to look within ourselves and ask if we’re doing all we can to not wrong others. I had a hard time watching this video from Louis Taylor who was in prison for 41 years for a crime he did not commit… [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0zO7vuXfJI?rel=0&w=560&h=315]