Tag / keu reyes podcast

How To Pitch a TV Show (Things NOT to do) – Interview with Rene Aguirre

This is an interview with Rene Aguirre (Twitter: @MrReneAguirre) who has been in the TV industry for many years in a variety of positions (Presently with Arsonhouse Entertainment http://arsonhouse.com ) In this video we discuss some of his professional trajectory as well as some do’s and don’ts when pitch TV...CONTINUE READING

Giselle Fernandez Interview – The Keu Reyes Project – Artistic Warfare Podcast

My interview with my mentor and inspiration Giselle Fernandez. Not only is she a five-time Emmy award-winning journalist, producer, filmmaker and Latin media marketing entrepreneur, but she is also a philanthropist and a selfless giver to to all of society. A true champion of rights and equality, and with all...CONTINUE READING

Where and How to Find Motivation

Where do you find motivation? How do you find motivation? Is it an external force that you must find in the first place? Or is there a way to find such motivation from within ourselves? Listen or download the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the Artistic Wafare...CONTINUE READING
finding courage overcoming fear

Overcoming Fears, Having Courage

Courage is simply being afraid of doing something, yet doing it anyway. A lot of our fears keep us from being the best we can be. Fears can stop us from achieving goals, growing as a person and it hinders us from finding peace and happiness. When you overcome your...CONTINUE READING
Category:PODCAST, Self-Help
Girl Goes Psycho During Makeup Tutorial REAL OR FAKE

Girl Goes Psycho During Makeup Tutorial REAL or FAKE?

Is the viral Youtube video of the Psycho During Makeup Tutorial Real or Fake? We discuss the facts in this episode of this Keu Reyes Project podcast. The episode and the video in question are below. Here’s the video (Podcast episode below): AND HERE IS THE PODCAST EPISODE BELOW: http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Girl-Goes-Psycho-During-Makeup-Tutorial.mp3Podcast: Play...CONTINUE READING
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