Tag: nuvo tv

  • Dogs are better consumers than Latinos [VIDEO PROOF]

    Direct TV will start offering DogTV – which is a cable network with programming targeting dogs. You read right. Dogs. Not dog-owners; but the dogs themselves. They’ll show images of frisbeesĀ being thrown, birds chirping and other cool programming canines will love. Yet, NuvoTV – which is a cable network targeting young English-speaking Latinos, can’t get…

  • NUVO TV’s Stand Up and Deliver – Great Show

    NUVO TV’s Stand Up and Deliver – Great Show

    Looks like Nuvo TV’s new show “Stand Up and Deliver” is going to be a great show. (…and I’m not saying that just ’cause I’m in it). Check out a great promo for the show (where I’m in as well)… Also shout out to Lilman who rolled me with on stage. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nk_-Ved6Y8&w=560&h=315] Follow me…