July 28, 2012 Behind the scenes at cable TV network internal pitch meeting. by artisticwarfare Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of a cable TV network internal pitch meeting? This is what really happens. Category:COMEDY Tag:cable, how to, how to pitch tv, ideas, meeting, network, pitch, pitch meeting, pitching, sex, steve carrel, television, the office, working
July 23, 2012 How to clear an office in less than 30 seconds [VIDEO] by artisticwarfare People ever get annoying in your office space? Clear them out in one easy step… [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaB57BRl2Zc&w=560&h=315] Category:Personal View Tag:clear, clearing, coworkers, disgusting, fart, farting, farts, fox, office, pants, shit, shits, smell, the office, workers, workspace