Tag: work
Stop Answering Your Phone So You Can Get Work Done
I used to answer my phone on the first ring, but nowadays when I’m busy I don’t even look to see who’s calling. Answering the telephone not only takes a lot of your productive time, but it also takes away from you being “in the zone”. The best thing to do is stop answering every…
Take Pride in EVERYTHING You Do
Most people don’t like what they do for a living, and if you’re one of the lucky few that do, then appreciate what you have, for it’s rare. Regardless if you love or hate what you do the key is to take pride in your work. Be the best at what you do and watch…
Motivate Yourself Immediately RIGHT NOW
Do 10 push ups. Right this moment. This is a trick that works for me whenever I want to break a procrastination slump. You can also substitute the push ups for 10 jumping jacks or if you’re unable to do one of those, then simply yell at the top of your lungs for 5 to…