The Audacity of Being Broke

The act of being broke has become a cultural phenomenon like no other.  There is no hope when you are broke.  There are only worries and hardship.  There’s no light at the end of the tunnel.  There’s actually no tunnel at all.

Being broke is a real place in most people’s lives.  Having to work everyday to pay for the things we need everyday.  There is no vacation from worries.  There’s no better place after death.  Just a lifetime of one bad thing after the other.

To not be broke would mean to be different.  To think that you are able to help someone else.  No one wants to be broke, yet most people are.  Those are the things that make all of us not care about our neighbor.  We just need to be a little better off than them.  Work overtime so that we can be less broke.

Non-broke people act like they care about other people.  They extend a hand to make you a little less broker.  A little less.  There’s no such thing as a little less, since everything continues to be horrible.

Being broke means that stress at night won’t let you get rest.  It means that it will continue haunting your dreams until you wake up and face your real nightmares.  In this country, or in other countries, or in other planets, hardship and misery is what rules the universes of such places.  Not knowing why we exist and why life lead us into places we don’t want to be.

Becoming attached to what families are, and the people we feel love us.  Only to lose them or ourselves into a place of no return, being forgotten in no time by up and coming generations. Only the old are remembered, and the young die forgotten.

When someone says that they feel sorry, the don’t mean they felt sorrow.  Sorrow accompanies those of us who feel the reality of situations.  To lose material and spiritual possesions is the same as not having anything at all.

We become envious of what seems like wealth and riches.  Comfort and luxury rules those that seek their pleasure.  We all seek their pleasures but we suffer for not achieving their company.  Being great does not equal success.  Extreme measures most lead to failure.  But the point of death leaves it all behind only to be forgotten by time, just like everyone before our birth.

Some of us do things to avoid living other things.  Maintain ourselves busy in what we feel will benefit us and those around us.  Religion is a shortcut for not having to do anything.  We believe in the shortcut that spirituality offers us, but there’s nothing coherent about the happenings of such spirits.

Is everything real, or is everything fake?  Do some have it better than others? Yes they do.  Do some have it worse than others? Yes they do.

Envy is a great measuring tool to sort of search through what really matters.  Why can others afford?  Why do they have the motivation to live a great life?  In a search for answers we get lost in the shuffle of questions.  Asking the wrong questions gets the right answer of failure.

The special feeling of our uniqueness is as bleak as the sunset during a hurricane.  No one can use words better than me, yet I envy those who use words and are better than me.  Opportunity never knocks on the door of those who wait.  Opportunity doesn’t exist for those of us that could use a little help.

Hope is something rich people use in order to not have broke people tear down their doors and take all of their possessions.  Hope doesn’t exist.  Poverty does.  We are only poor because there are those who are rich.  If we were all poor, there wouldn’t be any poverty.

Let’s take from the rich and give to the poor.  Or let’s take from the rich and let’s all be poor.  Does it really matter? Or will others be better in other ways?  Probably…


