Who’s the sexiest Spanish TV WeatherGirl? That is the million-dollar question!
Sexy girls doing the weather on TV news programs are nothing new. It’s an idea that was probably conceived right along with the invention of television, because there’s nothing more interesting than having a good-looking woman doing or saying things on the small screen. Yet, Spanish-speaking networks are the first to really capitalize on this “sexy weather” phenomenon.
Before the internet existed, people really wanted to know what the weather was going to be like, so they stayed up until the end of the 11pm news broadcast so that they could hear the weather forecast and figure out what to wear the next day.

Things are different now. You can check the weather anyplace, anytime with just a smart phone or internet access. People don’t need this information on TV anymore. No one waits to watch the weather. WAIT! That last statement is wrong!

The reality is that there’s still a big audience watching the weather forecast, especially in Spanish TV. Because have you seen the girls on there??? They’re nothing short of stunning weather-predicting models!

One of the pioneers in the “sexy-weather” industry has to be Puerto Rican bombshell Jackie Guerrido. She’s been doing weather for Univision for many years now, and began working the tight weathergirl dresses way before it was the fad that it is today. She has a huge following that includes many non-Spanish speaking fans.

With the success of Jackie Guerrido, every Spanish network in the United States, and pretty much all of Latin America, began firing all the real male meteorologists and began “casting” sexy weathergirls. One of the most popular up and coming weathergirls in Spanish TV right now is Yanet Garcia (Mexico). For some reason ‘the internet’ has taken a liking to her, and her weather broadcasts are becoming viral. Who cares that the weather is ‘partly cloudy’ when her dress is ‘partly suffocating her figure’ the way it does.

Yet, I’m a bit surprised that she’s been such a viral success all of the sudden, when there have been so many sexy weather girls to choose from for a long time.
If you want to see what’s out there, look up Mayte Carranco, Diana Alvarado, Estefania Caballero, Janice Villagran, Marcela Unda, Susana Almeida, and the list goes on and on and on.
So to answer the question of who’s the sexiest Spanish TV weathergirl… right now is impossible.
I’ll leave you here with a short compilation of Susana Almeida at work. Enjoy!