Tag / best

Who’s the Sexiest Spanish WeatherGirl?

Who’s the sexiest Spanish TV WeatherGirl? That is the million-dollar question! Sexy girls doing the weather on TV news programs are nothing new. It’s an idea that was probably conceived right along with the invention of television, because there’s nothing more interesting than having a good-looking woman doing or saying...CONTINUE READING

Take Pride in EVERYTHING You Do

Most people don’t like what they do for a living, and if you’re one of the lucky few that do, then appreciate what you have, for it’s rare. Regardless if you love or hate what you do the key is to take pride in your work. Be the best at...CONTINUE READING
sell to latino market

How to Sell to the Latino Market

If you’re trying to sell to the “Latino Market” you’ve already made the first mistake.  There is no such thing as a “Latino Market”.  The so-called “Latino Market” is as broad as the “Caucasian Market” or the “Asian Market”.  No such thing! Imagine taking more than a dozen countries and...CONTINUE READING
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