Author: Keu Reyes
How to Deal With Disappointment
Dealing with disappointment is part of life. It’s important to not take the “I’m a victim” route, and instead look for the opportunity in life’s setbacks. In this episode we talk a bit about how to get this done. Listen to the episode here and make sure you subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.…
Climbing Life – Keep on moving beyond obstacles in life
If you’ve ever walked uphill, then you know that the higher up you go, the more tire you’ll be. Also, the higher the altitude, the more difficult it gets to breath. However, when you get to the top and you look down, then you realize that the climb was all well worth it.
Bill Cosby set up because he wanted his own TV Network?
In this episode I’m having a drink with my boy David Lee Thomason, and we’re chopping it up regarding Bill Cosby. Is it possible that Bill Cosby was set up (by the establishment) in order to stop his plans of creating his own positive TV Network? We also talk about the state of hip hop…
Walk the Walk with Confidence
Walking with a confident demeanor actually makes you feel more confident. Walking with a purpose will change your mood and you’ll make powerful impressions. When you walk with your head up and you emanate confident energy, people have no choice but to get out of your way. In this episode we talk about how to…
Jay Z, 50cent, and Lil Wayne get some advice from rapper Dee-1 [MUSIC VIDEO]
This dude Dee-1 was way ahead of his time with this video back in 2010. He spoke to Jay Z, 50 cent and Lil Wayne a few year ago through this song, and the crazy part about it, is that it’s still all relevant. I wish more hip hop artist would take this route…
Change Your Life By Waking Up Earlier
Waking up is a part of life. It is one of the few things we can control in our lives. Waking up early will help your life when it comes to productivity. In this episode we discuss the benefits of beginning your day earlier, and how you can take advantage of the extra time you’ll…
Im in love with the Chocos (Choco Krispis) MUSIC VIDEO
Bill Cosby Mixed Drink Recipe
It’s not secret that Bill Cosby knows how to make a powerful drink. That’s why his recipes are perfect for parties and family gatherings.
You are NOT Special
We get the notion growing up that there’s something special about us. That our uniqueness is special and that somehow we’re better than we are. The fact is that this way of thinking stops your betterment. In this episode we discuss how we should stop thinking and relying we’re special and instead focus on working…