Author: Keu Reyes
Hillary Clinton’s Cold Chai Seizure Challenge
Hillary Clinton’s Cold Chai Seizure Challenge. All proceeds benefit the Clinton Foundation.
Zach Galifianakis’ funny Hillary Clinton Interview – Between Two Ferns
This video of “Between Two Ferns” with Zach Galifianakis interviewing Hillary Clinton is pretty funny. When first clicked on it I was just expecting your run-of-the-mill political gaffe, but it actually turned out to be funny. I loved the joke at the end.
Attibassi Espresso Italiano Review
I found this Attibassi Espresso Italiano at my local supermarket (Ralph’s on sale $4.99). Took it home and brewed it the next morning. The packaging gave me the impression that this find was going to be good, and indeed, the packaging did not disappoint. It’s a strong roast, but easier on the palate than most…
BeastBoy from Versa-Style Dance Co. Gets it at Kiiara’s “Gold” Tempo
“Beast Boy” from the Versa-Style Dance Company puts it down somewhere in the wilderness to the rhythm of Kiiara’s 2016 summer hit “Gold.” Beast Boy has been known for his powerful thumps and showings of force in dance. His style is uniquely characterized by his stage name “Beast Boy,” as his facial expressions will match…
De La Soul ‘Anonymous Nobody’ Album – SO GOOD – Download
De La Soul is setting an example of how you don’t need to sell dope in your lyrics in order to create music. Maybe there’s a generational gap that separates good taste from today’s garbage, but regardless, if you’re looking for pill-popping, swag crack smoking, then this is not the album for you. Hopefully other…
Nail Salon Animación SUBTITULADO en Español – Nail Salon Cartoon Subtitled
Animación SUBTITULADO en Español – Nail Salon Cartoon Subtitled
Haitian Man Accuses Clinton of Stealing Haiti’s Wealth – IS THIS TRUE?
The man on this video accuses the Clintons of stealing Haiti’s wealth. Are any of these accusations true?
Latinos are Racist
Have you ever seen a Black Latino on TV? If you have, then you probably remember it vividly because that is quite the rare event. Black Latinos in Spanish are called “Negros” [Nae-gros]– which is the literal English translation for “Blacks”. It’s not uncommon to hear the reference to Negros in Spanish, which sometimes, may…
Gun Control is a Bad Idea. Native Americans Lost Their Land Because of It. [VIDEO]
Native Americans lost their land because they didn’t have guns. Besides, outlawing guns don’t mean that criminals will respect the law. You could still be a victim of a home invasion robbery, except you won’t be able to defend yourself. Besides, it is illegal for any citizen to own a gun in Mexico, and that…
Girls on Snapchat be like…
Girls on Snapchat be like…
The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years
If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting kicked or beautiful, big-breasted girls getting…