danney willaiam bill clinton son and mother

Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

Danney Williams Bill Clinton SonRumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has made multiple pleas of acceptance to his alleged father,  and he assures that he is Bill Clinton’s son. Will this issue ever be resolved? Or will Danney Williams just have to accept the fact that when your father is as powerful as Bill Clinton, there’s nothing you can do except move on with your life.

Danney’s mom (as acknowledged by Danney, himself) was earning a living from prostitution. She alleges being in sexual contact with Bill Clinton multiple times. There have also been theories thrown out there attempting to debunk Danney’s claims, but none are conclusive enough to stick. The fact is that Danney does carry a striking resemblance to the former President.

Danney has tried to get his story out there for a long time, but it seems news outlets are quite reluctant to carry the story. Is that on purpose or because news platforms don’t think it’s an interesting story? Who knows, but what is well known is that Bill Clinton has a history of “wondering around,” for a lack of a better term.

In this episode of iTHINK (below) I discuss some of Danney’s story, as well as ask the question, “Is there a possibility that Danney’s story may be true?” I’m not asking if it is for a fact true, but, rather if the mere possibility could exist.

Do you think Danney Williams is Bill Clinton’s Son? Leave a comment here and make sure you follow me on Twtiter. You can also subscribe to ClankTV on Youtube.

Watch this episode of iTHINK below