Category / Personal View
danney willaiam bill clinton son and mother

Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has...CONTINUE READING
latino racism

Latinos are Racist

Have you ever seen a Black Latino on TV? If you have, then you probably remember it vividly because that is quite the rare event. Black Latinos in Spanish are called “Negros” [Nae-gros]– which is the literal English translation for “Blacks”. It’s not uncommon to hear the reference to Negros...CONTINUE READING

The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years

If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting...CONTINUE READING

Why need to support Bordertown and Lalo Alcaraz

The saying goes: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all?” And that applies to supporting our fellow artists that are out there trying to create and take advantage of opportunities in their lives and careers. As minorities in the U.S. we’ve been trained from...CONTINUE READING

Notorious Big had a parade when he died. Tupac had nothing.

It’s no secret that Tupac Shakur, or as he later called himself, Makaveli, never had a funeral service after his alleged death. There were talks about a funeral service being scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia, but apparently that was canceled. To this day, there haven’t been any public parades or celebrations...CONTINUE READING
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