Category / NEWS
alex from target

Alex from Target Official Music Video #alexfromtarget

Alex From Target, the Target-employee that became an overnight viral internet sensation is taking advantage of his newfound fame and has officially released a brand new music video that showcases his good looks and singing ability as well. Here’s the official video. Rejoice in his boyish good looks and angelic...CONTINUE READING
e40 choices

E-40 out with some winter heat: “Choices”

You’ve gotta give it to the Bay Area, and most definitely you’ve gotta give it up to E-40. Time and time again he reinvents himself, never copies the trends, does his own thing and you have to give props to that. You don’t have to like everything, but you have...CONTINUE READING
Category:MUSIC, NEWS
ebola scare

The Ebola Scare: News Drama, Panic and Fear for Entertainment [VIDEO]

The news like to hype things up to keep people watching. It’s like a bad accident that never stops happening. Can’t believe the hype all the time. If it’s not Ebola, then something else is bound to get you. Keep living now, don’t worry about later. I’m not saying Ebola...CONTINUE READING

Sevyn Streeter can sing her ass off [VIDEO]

I believe Sevyn Streeter is one of the most slept on artists in the business right now. The radio has definitively not given Sevyn her just due. At least on the West Coast she’s not on rotation. Radio stations wise up!! Here’s Sevyn performing her song “It Won’t Stop” unplugged:

Ebola can be transmitted through Breathing

Studies have shown that Ebola can be transmitted through breathing-in the virus (airborne). This particular study, for example, showed how monkeys contracted the Ebola virus from pigs that were in separate cages, with no possible physical contact. It’s understandable, however, why the CDC is assuring the public that Ebola cannot...CONTINUE READING
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