Category: Political Rants
Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?
Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams. Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has made multiple pleas of acceptance…
Haitian Man Accuses Clinton of Stealing Haiti’s Wealth – IS THIS TRUE?
The man on this video accuses the Clintons of stealing Haiti’s wealth. Are any of these accusations true?
Propaganda de Donald Trump Revela lo que de Verdad Piensan los Americanos de los Inmigrantes Latinos
La propaganda de Donald Trump revela lo que de verdad piensan los Estadounidenses de los inmigrantes Latinos. Anais Salzar entrevista al antropólogo cultural, el profesor Ysamur Flores de Otis College. Tocando los temas: Quienes fueron los primeros inmigrantes en América? Adam y Eva los primeros inmigrantes? Que diferencia hay entre los inmigrantes Latinos y los…
Straight Outta Compton NWA Movie Conspiracy [PODCAST]
Why were the White writers of the Straight Outta Compton chosen? This is one of the questions that we explore in this podcast episode. Listen below, and make sure you subscribe on iTunes. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio | Youtube Music |…
Proof that N.W.A. created by the Government and the Prison Industry?
Here we go with the conspiracy theories, but with the new Straight Outta Compton movie’s success, it’s not a bad thing to re-open some of the old rumors and see how valid they may or may not be. A question has been raised of “Why are the Straight Outta Compton Writers White?” – but looking…
Meek Mill vs. Drake Beef Distraction While People Getting Killed By Police
So this past week was all about the Drake vs. Meek Beef – which served as a distraction from the real issue out there… POLICE SHOOTINGS in particular. While we were all paying attention to the soap opera of rap beefs, police shootings rose to an all-time high. We need to talk about it, and…
This is why Donald Trump would be the Perfect President… [VIDEO]
If Donald Trump becomes president, he will change a lot of things in the United States. Here’s Billy The White Guy talking about the reasons why Donald Trump should be president of the free world.
Leave Donald Trump Alone! (here’s why)
Donald Trump currently is a candidate for the US Presidency. He has also been untactfully spewing stereotypes regarding Latinos – Mexicans to be specific. Yet, even though whatever he may be saying is outrageous, should he be censored? Should people make him shut up because they don’t agree with him? Or do we supposedly live…
Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare – iTHINK
iTHINK is a show about what I think. Here are some of the topics I cover in this episode: Donald Trump, Dominican vs Haiti Conflict, Puerto Rico Bankrupt, Gay Marriage, Obamacare.
The Dominican vs. Hatian conflict is deeper than you think
People in the world either don’t understand or care that Haiti is disputably the poorest country in the world. The Dominican Republic may not be as bad, but it is still considered a third world country. But ask yourself, why would these small countries, so close to the continental United States, go through so much…
The Gun Control Alternative [Podcast]
Is the prohibition of firearms the real solution to gun violence in the United States? We discuss this topic on this episode. Listen below and make sure you subscribe in iTunes and follow me on Twitter. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio |…