Category: Self-Help
Where and How to Find Motivation
Where do you find motivation? How do you find motivation? Is it an external force that you must find in the first place? Or is there a way to find such motivation from within ourselves? Listen or download the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the Artistic Wafare Podcast on iTunes. Play…
Be Careful Where You Get Advice
Advice is all the praise. Everyone advises that you should listen to advice. But all advice is not created equal. There’s some extremely bad advice out there. So there are some things you must analyze before taking any advice to heart. Consider the Source Is the source an authority on the advice being given? If…
Overcoming Fears, Having Courage
Courage is simply being afraid of doing something, yet doing it anyway. A lot of our fears keep us from being the best we can be. Fears can stop us from achieving goals, growing as a person and it hinders us from finding peace and happiness. When you overcome your fears, and you find a…
Your Comfort Zone Will Destroy You. Get Out Now! [Audio]
Being in a comfort zone is quite dangerous. When you’re in a comfort zone, you’re not growing. You’re stagnant. You must keep moving and growing. Life is about change. Comfort is about predictability. When you constantly look for that change that makes your uncomfortable, then you’re truly living. Listen to this episode titled Comfort Zone…
How to Stay Motivated
Staying motivated is easier said than done. It requires a good routine that turns into a habit. The only true way to stay motivated is to be on the constant search for motivation itself. We discuss all about motivation in this episode. Listen to the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast…
Enjoying Creative Depression
Sometimes I’m social and productive. Other times I crave solitude and don’t feel like getting anything done. Luckily for me, I’m in the social and productive mode most of the time. But when I get to the other side of the coin — that side that doesn’t allow me to even get up some morning,…
Understanding Women’s Emotion
If you think you understand women’s emotions, you’re absolutely wrong. The complexity of the female mind and her expanding connection to her ever-changing feelings will make it nearly impossible to predict, let alone understand. In this episode I discuss a bit of how to try to understand a woman’s emotion. This a follow-up to my…
NeoSlavery: Modern Day Volunteer Slavery
Slavery has change from its days of physical abuse. Nowadays, slaves volunteer to work. Slaves want to do all the hard work in order to get money to eat and have a roof over their heads. They don’t need to be beaten, because the NeoSlave will show up to work on time, all by him…
How to Deal With Disappointment
Dealing with disappointment is part of life. It’s important to not take the “I’m a victim” route, and instead look for the opportunity in life’s setbacks. In this episode we talk a bit about how to get this done. Listen to the episode here and make sure you subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.…
Climbing Life – Keep on moving beyond obstacles in life
If you’ve ever walked uphill, then you know that the higher up you go, the more tire you’ll be. Also, the higher the altitude, the more difficult it gets to breath. However, when you get to the top and you look down, then you realize that the climb was all well worth it.
Walk the Walk with Confidence
Walking with a confident demeanor actually makes you feel more confident. Walking with a purpose will change your mood and you’ll make powerful impressions. When you walk with your head up and you emanate confident energy, people have no choice but to get out of your way. In this episode we talk about how to…