Category: ARTICLES
Proof that N.W.A. created by the Government and the Prison Industry?
Here we go with the conspiracy theories, but with the new Straight Outta Compton movie’s success, it’s not a bad thing to re-open some of the old rumors and see how valid they may or may not be. A question has been raised of “Why are the Straight Outta Compton Writers White?” – but looking…
Did You Know the Writers of the Straight Outta Compton Movie Are White?
Did you know that the Straight Outta Compton writers are White? Well, they are. Does it matter? Who knows! But it sure raises a lot of questions about who gets what opportunities in Hollywood. It’s already bad enough that the group N.W.A. is surrounded by conspiracy regarding its creation. But what I personally don’t understand…
Meek Mill ‘Threatened’ By Safaree? [VIDEO]
In this interview Safaree indirectly says that Meek Mill is threatened by him — which is pretty believable. Safaree Samuels also talks about how his relationship with Nicki Minaj started, and he also mentions liking Drake. Check it out:
Jeb Bush Subliminal “Black Hand” Message?
This campaign mailer that was sent out to thousands of people in Iowa features Jeb Bush with a photoshopped “Black Hand.” The arm is clearly photoshopped, but Bush’s campaign claims that it’s a “shadow.” However, most people with half-of-a-brain can clearly see that the arm is completely different than the rest of the body –…
Koreans Coming Up in the Rap Game?
The state of hip hop in the United States has changed… But in countries like North Korea, it’s just getting started. Check out the music video below. You may not understand it, but they’re sure saying something… Here’s Keith Ape – 잊지마 (It G Ma) (feat. JayAllDay, Loota, Okasian & Kohh) [Official Video]
Compton Doesn’t Have Any Movie Theaters, But They Have a Movie? SMH
How crazy is the fact that there’s a movie about Compton, yet, there aren’t any movie theaters in Compton? Basically, you’d have to go Straight Outta Compton — to another city– in order to watch a movie, which ironically is set in the city of Compton. What kind of backwards mess is that? Compton residents are…
The African Race aka The “Black” Race
★ Malcolm X- “You can’t hate the roots of the tree without ending up hating the tree. You can’t hate your origin without ending up hating yourself. You can’t hate the land, your motherland, the place that you come from, and we can’t hate Africa without ending up hating ourselves” The following is an explanation…
Talib Kweli Releases his “Fuck The Money” Album for Free
The always-do-what-fans-love rapper, Talib Kweli released his album for FREE! Fans everywhere are happy and grateful for this. This actually is the ultimate fan-appreciation move, although unfortunately a lot of fans would have illegally downloaded it anyway. If you’re a real fan, make sure you support him by buying a ticket to his concerts. It’s…
Puerto Rican Exodus: Puerto Ricans Abandon Puerto Rico Amidst Financial Problems
Puerto Rican’s are moving out of Puerto Rico! Some, not all, Puerto Ricans abandon the island because they can’t find jobs. Money is hard to come by and the infrastructure is starting to deteriorate slowly. This is the Great Puerto Rican Exodus! Check out this graphic to give you an idea of what the Puerto…
This is what the song ‘I Can’t Feel My Face’ is about…
It’s about Cocaine!!!! If you’re wondering what The Weeknd is singing about in that song ‘I can’t feel my face’ – well the topic is cocaine. Enjoy…
Meek Mill vs. Drake Beef Distraction While People Getting Killed By Police
So this past week was all about the Drake vs. Meek Beef – which served as a distraction from the real issue out there… POLICE SHOOTINGS in particular. While we were all paying attention to the soap opera of rap beefs, police shootings rose to an all-time high. We need to talk about it, and…