la chancla video game

Is the “La Chancla” video game fun or racist?

There’s a new video game called “La Chancla” with Latino-culture-based characters. Some people say it’s full of negative stereotypes while other people think it’s just a fun game to just be entertained. I’m in the latter group. I think this game is great, for more reasons than one.

First of all, the creator is a Latino – Erik Garcia. Erik developed this game based on what he knows, on how he grew up and for good or bad, based on reality. Getting hit by a “chancla” or aka flip flop is not an uncommon occurrence in Latino culture. A flip flop or sandal is usually soft sharp shoe wear, than won’t cause more than a big scary shock to a mischievous kid – especially if caught off guard. Getting “hit” is not rare in many cultures, not only in the Latino environment.

This long-time lingering stereotype of “getting hit by a chancla” is what has some people upset. Further, in the game the grandma throws “chanclas”, characters eat tacos, and there’s even a gang member as one of the characters. Of course, there are people that believe that all these things don’t need to be portrayed into the mainstream, but my question is Why Not?

This game is created and developed by a Latino (which on it’s own is a great feat, since there aren’t that many Latinos doing anything related to the underrepresentation in the multi-billion dollar video game market). Yet, most of the critism comes from the same Latinos that laugh at the maid on Family Guy (which is created by a non-Latino aiming to make fun of a part of our culture).

So is this game right or wrong? You judge for yourself. But my point… We need to support Latino artists that are trying to do something with their talent, and if you don’t like it, then YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Never tear your brother down. For any reason.

Here’s my interview with Erik Garcia, creator of La Chancla: