Kids Shouldn’t Live in Pain – Including Immigrant Kids

Is it the kid’s fault that he or she is not here legally?  A lot of these kids were newborns when they arrived, and whether legally or not, it is not their fault that they’re here.  Still, what happens when parents can’t afford healthcare?  Do these kids have to live in pain? Really?

That’s why I’m very excited to be working alongside Kids Dental Kare and their FREE KIDS DENTAL DAY – where they’ll be offering absolutely free dental services to all kids, regardless of their gender, race or immigration status.  All kids will receive treatment, no questions asked (well, of course aside from health history questions).

If you know someone who might be able to take advantage of this service, pass along this information. 

WHEN: SEPTEMBER 9th from 9am to 6pm
WHERE: Kids Dental Kare – 4900 Whittier Blvd. LA, CA 90022.
WHO: Children under 18 y/o
Visit for more info…