Tag: clanktv

  • How To Pitch a TV Show (Things NOT to do) – Interview with Rene Aguirre

    How To Pitch a TV Show (Things NOT to do) – Interview with Rene Aguirre

    This is an interview with Rene Aguirre (Twitter: @MrReneAguirre) who has been in the TV industry for many years in a variety of positions (Presently with Arsonhouse Entertainment http://arsonhouse.com ) In this video we discuss some of his professional trajectory as well as some do’s and don’ts when pitch TV show ideas. This is a…

  • Who Killed Craig Mack?

    Who Killed Craig Mack?

    May Craig Mack rest in peace. Yet, there’s this weird feeling I have that something is up with his passing. Yeah, perhaps it was just heart failure, health issues, etc. But the feeling that there’s more to the story remains with me. Here’s my take on the Craig Mack situation:

  • Is the #OscarsSoWhite movement really effective?

    Is the #OscarsSoWhite movement really effective?

    #OscarsSoWhite is a movement to create awareness and demand inclusion of minorities in the Oscars nominations and awards given. Yet, asking to be included doesn’t mean anything if the institution that you’re asking is founded in the basis of exclusion in the first place. In the following video I speak a bit about whether the…

  • Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has made multiple pleas of acceptance…

  • Jeffrey Toobin Gets Owned

    Jeffrey Toobin Gets Owned

    Jeffrey Toobin gets owned – big time!  Jeffrey Toobin is an alleged lawyer and senior legal expert for CNN. He always take the “anti” position on any issue, especially when dealing with President Trump. His hatred for the current government is so deep, that he will say anything and everything in order to make a…

  • Who Killed Tupac and WHY? – Interview with RJ Bond – Expert on Tupac Shakur’s Murder

    Who Killed Tupac and WHY? – Interview with RJ Bond – Expert on Tupac Shakur’s Murder

    Had a long and deep conversation with author and Tupac Shakur’s murder expert, RJ Bond. He’s put in over 10 years of investigation into the murder of Tupac and in this interview he mentions the people who he’s convinced killed Pac.  This is part of a series of interviews, including last week’s interview with Michael…

  • Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    In this unprecedented interview we dig deep into the serious allegations against the Los Angeles Police Department and their possible involvement in the murder of Tupac Shakur.  Michael Douglas Carlin, author of Tupac 187: The Red Knight, expresses his concerns on the numerous suspicious attempts by a range of law enforcement organizations to cover-up and…

  • If Tupac is Dead, Should We Let Him “Rest in Peace?”

    If Tupac is Dead, Should We Let Him “Rest in Peace?”

    A lot of theories continue to circulate of whether Tupac Shakur faked his own death or not. Some fans swear that 2pac is alive; others believe he’s dead. Regardless, should fans leave Tupac alone? Should they stop searching for answers that they are never going to find? Bottom line… Should we let Tupac “rest in…

  • List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    Throughout history people have fake their deaths for a variety of reasons. In this list are some of the people who have tried faking their death, but have failed. Most have been caught due to their own stupidity and carelessness. Yet, there are countless more out there that never get caught. Follow me on Twitter…

  • Tupac’s Last Words, according to Sean DeFrank [INTERVIEW]

    Tupac’s Last Words, according to Sean DeFrank [INTERVIEW]

    I conducted an interview with Sean DeFrank– the man who’s cousin (a retire Las Vegas police officer) was the last person to allegedly hear the last words coming out Tupac’s mouth. Could this be absolute proof that Tupac in fact died? Or does it only proof that a shooting took place? Watch the interview and be…

  • The Mysterious Willow Smith Letter to Tupac Shakur

    The Mysterious Willow Smith Letter to Tupac Shakur

    Willow Smith wrote a letter to Tupac Shakur asking him to come back. She wrote it when she was younger and it opens the door to even more speculation and fuel to the search for proof that Tupac may still be alive. You can read the letter for yourself here. Here’s the text of the letter:…