Tag: comedia en espanol
The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years
If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting kicked or beautiful, big-breasted girls getting…
Cámaras capturan lo que en realidad sucede detrás de las escenas en un canal de televisión.
Cámaras capturan lo que en realidad sucede detrás de las escenas de un canal de televisión.
The Truth About Spanish-Language Comedy
It’s no secret that Spanish-language comedy is full of mystery – by “mystery” I mean midgets, pies in the face, and banana peel slips. But why? In this episode I try to figure it out, but better than figuring out the problem, I believe we’ve gotta find a solution. Listen to the podcast episode: http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/The-Truth-About-Spanish-Language-Comedy.mp3Podcast:…