Tag: how to sell a tv show
How To Pitch a TV Show (Things NOT to do) – Interview with Rene Aguirre
This is an interview with Rene Aguirre (Twitter: @MrReneAguirre) who has been in the TV industry for many years in a variety of positions (Presently with Arsonhouse Entertainment http://arsonhouse.com ) In this video we discuss some of his professional trajectory as well as some do’s and don’ts when pitch TV show ideas. This is a…
The Art of the TV Pitch – Interview with Maria Perez-Brown
How To Pitch a TV Show – Part 4 – The Pitch Meeting
This is it! You have a meeting with a TV network. Congratulations! You’ve made it a lot further than most of the people with TV show ideas. So how do you not ruin this crucial moment? Simple. Just be yourself. During the meeting don’t try to be something you are not. Network executives are regular…
How to Pitch a TV Show
How to Pitch a TV Show If you want to sell a television show to a network then you should check this out.