Tag: kev reyes
The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years
If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting kicked or beautiful, big-breasted girls getting…
One of the most disgusting Talk Shows on the internet (Warning: Very Graphic)
I have to admit that taking a part of Talking Shit with Joe has been one of the most disgusting experiences I’ve suffered through in my career. Watch below at your own risk. If you’d like for Joe to interview you, leave me a comment. Make sure you check out Joe’s website NOTHING BUTT ART…
HOW TO SELL TV SHOWS Ep.1 “From Idea to Concept”
Animated Racism – Double Standards in Television Networks
Who’s allowed to make fun of you? That’s what it comes down to in television political correctness. This post isn’t to debate the rights and wrongs of racism, but instead I’d like to point out the double-standards of the acceptability of racism in television. I personally think that the right amount of racism at the…
NUVO TV’s Stand Up and Deliver – Great Show
Looks like Nuvo TV’s new show “Stand Up and Deliver” is going to be a great show. (…and I’m not saying that just ’cause I’m in it). Check out a great promo for the show (where I’m in as well)… Also shout out to Lilman who rolled me with on stage. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nk_-Ved6Y8&w=560&h=315] Follow me…