Tag: writer
HOW TO PITCH A TV SHOW – Part 2 – Preparing Your Pitch
Preparing you TV show idea means that you will write, re-write your concept and have something to show the networks. You have to show them what your idea is, in one way or another. The fact is that ideas are everywhere and everyone has them, so that doesn’t make an idea that important. Actually there…
This show is way better than Family Guy and South Park
Counterfit “The Neighborhood Dude” is way better than Family Guy and South Park Combined! Check it out…
How to write short and precise comic strip style – Interview with writer Harold Jessurun [VIDEO]
In this video writer Harold Jessurun talks about writing his book “Los Chistes de Pepito” and how to write short, precise and to the point. This is all very difficult, especially when you have to convey a large idea or concept into a few words and images. Check out the interview: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQMTlQJ28jw&w=560&h=315] Follow me…
Take Pride in EVERYTHING You Do
Most people don’t like what they do for a living, and if you’re one of the lucky few that do, then appreciate what you have, for it’s rare. Regardless if you love or hate what you do the key is to take pride in your work. Be the best at what you do and watch…
Write First, Edit Later
A lot of people start writing by editing, and this is the biggest mistake you can commit when you’re actually trying to finish something. You can’t edit something that has not been written yet! So you have to WRITE FIRST! Write whatever comes to mind, don’t worry about what it is that you’re trying to…
How To Be Better Than Everyone
Being better than everyone is a simple concept with a complex execution. The first part of being better than everyone is to be okay with the fact that you are better than everyone. If you live your life waiting for people to catch up to you or to reach your level, then you’ll just be…
How to beat video editor’s block.
Just like writers, video editors get blocked too. So where do you find the inspiration to get back on track? That’s a question I’ve asked myself plenty of times, and these are some of the things I’ve found so far work for me. The first thing is to STEP AWAY FROM THE PROJECT. It sounds…