Category: FEATURED

  • Who Killed Tupac and WHY? – Interview with RJ Bond – Expert on Tupac Shakur’s Murder

    Who Killed Tupac and WHY? – Interview with RJ Bond – Expert on Tupac Shakur’s Murder

    Had a long and deep conversation with author and Tupac Shakur’s murder expert, RJ Bond. He’s put in over 10 years of investigation into the murder of Tupac and in this interview he mentions the people who he’s convinced killed Pac.  This is part of a series of interviews, including last week’s interview with Michael…

  • The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years

    The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years

    If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting kicked or beautiful, big-breasted girls getting…

  • Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    In this unprecedented interview we dig deep into the serious allegations against the Los Angeles Police Department and their possible involvement in the murder of Tupac Shakur.  Michael Douglas Carlin, author of Tupac 187: The Red Knight, expresses his concerns on the numerous suspicious attempts by a range of law enforcement organizations to cover-up and…

  • List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    Throughout history people have fake their deaths for a variety of reasons. In this list are some of the people who have tried faking their death, but have failed. Most have been caught due to their own stupidity and carelessness. Yet, there are countless more out there that never get caught. Follow me on Twitter…

  • Rihanna Dissing Drake on “Needed Me” Song from her ANTI Album

    Rihanna Dissing Drake on “Needed Me” Song from her ANTI Album

    A lot of people think Rihanna’s “Needed Me” song is about Travis Scott — but it is not! This song is absolutely about Drake – who was always the one riding to Rihanna with a horse and carriage. This song may have been recorded a while ago, when they first stopped hanging out. Read the lyrics…

  • Nathalie Paris Interview About her Plastic Surgery [VIDEO]

    Nathalie Paris Interview About her Plastic Surgery [VIDEO]

    Nathalie Paris talks to Myrka Dellanos about being a Youtube star and how it’s not always as glamorous as it seems. In her most revealing interview ever, Nathalie addresses the bullying that comes with popularity and her plastic surgery critisms. Nathalie also opens up about her difficult childhood and the reason she came to the…

  • Things I Hate About Going to the Doctor

    Things I Hate About Going to the Doctor

    There are some things I hate about going to the doctor. In the video below I list a few. Like, share and make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel.

  • New Planet X Found!! Plus Bill Cosby Accuser Chloe Goins Rap Diss Song  [VIDEO]

    New Planet X Found!! Plus Bill Cosby Accuser Chloe Goins Rap Diss Song [VIDEO]

    Ra-Ta-Ta and Andy discuss the new Planet X that was found near our solar system. Also, Ra-ta-ta plays the Bill Cosby Rap Song Diss by one of his accusers Chloe Goins.

  • New Planet X Found!! The Bill Cosby Diss Rap Song??? [PODCAST]

    New Planet X Found!! The Bill Cosby Diss Rap Song??? [PODCAST]

    New Planet X Found!! The Bill Cosby Diss Rap Song??? [PODCAST] IN THIS EPISODE: Sexual Assault Accuser Chloe Goins Releases Bill Cosby Rap Diss Song, attacking Bill Cosby and his alleged rape and sexual assault accusations. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio |…

  • Self-Discipline to get in Shape

    Self-Discipline to get in Shape

    Gettin in shape is hard. In order to get it accomplished you need another hard-to-get virtue called “self-discipline”.  In this episode we discuss what self-discipline is all about. Listen to the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon…

  • Tupac’s Last Words, according to Sean DeFrank [INTERVIEW]

    Tupac’s Last Words, according to Sean DeFrank [INTERVIEW]

    I conducted an interview with Sean DeFrank– the man who’s cousin (a retire Las Vegas police officer) was the last person to allegedly hear the last words coming out Tupac’s mouth. Could this be absolute proof that Tupac in fact died? Or does it only proof that a shooting took place? Watch the interview and be…

  • Notorious Big had a parade when he died. Tupac had nothing.

    Notorious Big had a parade when he died. Tupac had nothing.

    It’s no secret that Tupac Shakur, or as he later called himself, Makaveli, never had a funeral service after his alleged death. There were talks about a funeral service being scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia, but apparently that was canceled. To this day, there haven’t been any public parades or celebrations for Tupac, at least not…