Category: Motivation
Education is for Dummies. Here’s why you should drop out of school. [VIDEO]
Education is absolute bullshit. I’m not talking about knowledge, or information, or learning or growing and expanding your mind. I’m talking about the education industry being absolute, complete bullshit. Here’s I go:
Education is NOT the Key to Success
Some people are under the false assumption that because they have a degree that they are on their way to success, or the other way around, where without a degree they feel worthless. Both of these points of views are wrong. Education is a tool to help you, but it will not make you. In…
How to get Focused in Life
Focus is huge when it comes to making stride towards your goal. Find yourself with too many goals, and your bound to become frustrated with slow-moving progress and sometimes nothing gets done at all. The simplest way to become focus, is to let go of everything else, except that thing you want to focus on.…
You should drop out of school. Here’s why:
The Creative Low – Being creative leads to depression
It took me many years to discover my “creative low” – that’s when I engage in tasks that take such a creative toll on me that I end up depressed for no apparent reason. I’m not sure if this is something that affects all or most humans engaging in the creative process, but I know…
How to Become Better – Jim Mendrinos Interview
The Art of the TV Pitch – Interview with Maria Perez-Brown
Working Through Being Sick
When you work for yourself you have no sick days. I’ve felt like crap this week, still work has to get done. I’ve been trying to figure out how to maintain a level of energy that allows me to keep pushing on. It’s so hard to get up in the morning, let alone stay at…
Instant Self-Discipline
The key to Self-Discipline is doing those things you know you should do, especially when you don’t feel like doing them. Whether it’s finishing work or school all the way to exercising or eating well, self-discipline is the difference between success and failure. But what happens when you just can’t move from a slump? When…
How to get a raise at work [VIDEO]
How to be Successful [VIDEO]
A few words of advice on success for Dr. Jerry Lanier! How to be successful…
Break Out of Your Morning Routine with a Productivity Change-up
Sometimes we fall into routines that do more bad than good – meaning we hit a productivity plateau. Once you can predict how productive you’ll be during the day, then it’s time to change your routine. You should always strive to grow, and any routine could get in the way of that growth. Here are…